Category Archives: Publication

Article Update: Model-based methods for continuous and discrete global optimization

Just a small update for the article mentioned in the last post: Model-based methods for continuous and discrete global optimization.

Until April 11, 2017, the following link will direct you to the final version of the article on ScienceDirect (free, without personal or institutional registration).

(external link:)

Recent Publication: Model-based Methods for Continuous and Discrete Global Optimization

The accepted manuscript of the article Model-based Methods for Continuous and Discrete Global Optimization by Thomas Bartz-Beielstein and myself has been published in the Elsevier Journal Applied Soft Computing.

External link:

Among other important issues of Model-based Optimization, the article deals with methods for discrete or combinatorial optimization problems. A tabular survey of works in this field is part of the supplementary material. A PDF of this table will be kept up-to-date on this website, see:

Survey: Combinatorial Surrogate Models

If you have comments or additions with respect to that collection, please let me know.

Also, you can find an earlier preprint version in the publications section.